

Couples Psychotherapy

Through couples psychotherapy I assist couples to manage conflict and deepen intimacy.  When working with couples, I believe that strengthening 4 areas of the relationship namely, the desired future, friendship, conflict management, and shared meaning, holds the key to therapeutic success.

In strengthening the desired future of the relationship, conversations centre around the details of what is desired in the relationship and what it would be like without the challenges faced by the couple. Turning that dream into reality involves mapping out action steps to be taken by the couple.

When having conversations about the couples friendship system, which is the basis for intimacy, affection, and good sexual relationships, we aim to develop new skills to enhance their friendship.

In the therapeutic space we will also focus on conflict management.  Here the focus is on helping couples identify and address solvable problems, and understand and manage unsolvable differences. The couples skills for managing conflict are developed and enhanced.
Relationships are about building a life together that is full of meaning. By having conversations with couples about the legacy they want to leave, their beliefs, values, philosophies, culture, and common dreams and visions for life, they create and discover their shared purpose for building a life together. We explore ways in which to honour these and although they may have separate needs in many areas, we find ways to be supportive of each other’s needs.


Couples therapy with me consists of 3 phases


This phase includes an interview with the couple; individual meetings with each partner; and each partner having to independently complete questionnaires related to the relationship. This is followed by a joint couple session in which the assessment is discussed, recommendations for treatment are explored, and mutually agreed upon goals are established for couples therapy.


In this phase partners are seen together as a couple to work toward achieving their goals. Having said this, there may be times in which individual sessions may be required. Between sessions, couples will be given the opportunity to practice skills learned during therapy sessions.


This phase includes conversations around the progress made towards the couples goals as well as preparing for the end of couples therapy.